marți, 21 aprilie 2015

Despre Pastele blajinilor de pr. Savatie Bastovoi

Hristos a inviat !

Parintele ieromonah Savatie Bastovoi de la Manastirea Noul Neamt, Republica Moldova, a publicat ieri pe blog un articol despre Pastele Plajinilor, un obicei intalnit mai ales in Moldova de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului, de a-i pomeni pe cei adormiti, imediat dupa Saptamana Luminata.
Cititi AICI articolul parintelui Savatie.
Eu una iubesc aceasta traditie la care am participat de mica, dupa cum spuneam AICI acum cativa ani.

Adevarat a inviat!

Mama si bunicul pe aleea cimitirului


2 comentarii:

  1. Christ is Risen! I know how to say that in Moldavian, because our priest has been saying it, along with English, Russian, Georgian and I could read what you wrote. ♥ What a beautiful photo and cemetery! Do you call it "Radonitsa"? We also go on Tues. following Bright Week to celebrate Pascha with those loved ones who have departed.

  2. Indeed He is risen!
    Thank you, Martha, for visiting here!
    We call this tradition ""Pascha of the departed", literally "of the tenderhearted ones" in Romanian. We gather there on Monday following Bright Week.
    Yes, the atmosphere is absolutely irrepeatable and from the cemetery you can see the orchard of the village where the trees are blooming...
    It's one of my favorite childhood memories.


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