luni, 17 octombrie 2011

Articole despre casatorie

Permiteti-mi sa va mai recomand o serie de articole in engleza (imi cer iertare fata de nevorbitorii de engleza) despre casatorie, despre viata de dinainte de casatorie.

Oh, the challenges of finding a life partner in faith by fr Barnabas Powell

Marriage: The Great Sacrament

Family life : Before marriage (o serie de mai multe articole despre viata tinerilor)

Pe toate le-am gasit pe blogul Demetrei.

Doamne, ajuta!

9 comentarii:

  1. Wow! Multumesc, Loredana! Imi pica la fix urarea ta! La fel si tie: multe bucurii si voie buna!

  2. What a well written blog post..

  3. You're totally correct on this blog post..

  4. Beautiful is hard to find the right person to marry, you can't just marry anyone.
    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  5. Yes, indeed, dear Marfa, it's a real mystery to meet and marry the right person. Thank you for coming by my blog!

  6. Well, dear anonymous, my contribution to this blog post is quite minimal, all I did was find and choose these wonderful articles written by really professional people. I think getting married is about having patience and being connected to God's will for us.

  7. Un an bun si frumos sa ai!
    La multi ani!

  8. La multi ani, Loredana ! Va pupic dulce, dulce pe toate trei.


Va multumesc mult pentru comentariul dumneavoastra!